Welcome to Rosebank Toastmasters

It’s no coincidence that you stumbled across the coolest club in South Africa!

We are Rosebank Toastmasters based in Johannesburg, and we are a committed club of volunteers who are dedicated in helping each members’ speaking and leadership journeys in a supportive, informal atmosphere. We are club number 840322 – Division L.

We meet at 17H15 to 19H45, every other Thursday at 15 Biermann Ave, Rosebank Towers, Hannover RE, Rosebank.

As a club, we fall under the Toastmasters International (headquartered in the USA) umbrella as well as Toastmasters Southern Africa (also known as “District 74”).

Public speaking can be mastered

Speaking in public is a terrifying thought for most people. Yet, for as little as one hour per week it can be mastered; so that you can present competently at a board meeting, speak with humour at your friend’s wedding, be the MC at the year end party. Yes, it can be mastered.

It takes a little practice in a supportive environment

We are a public speaking club that aims to provide a positive learning experience where our members develop communication and leadership skills. This results in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

To do this, we meet every second Thursday to work on our projects, each aimed at strengthening and developing a specific competency in public speaking.

The easiest way to understand how this works is to visit our club. It is free to visit.

Come experience it for yourself

When you visit you will see people deliver prepared speeches that build their competency, you will see others lead the event to practice their leadership skills. You get an opportunity to socialise, ask questions and network with members who will share their own public speaking journey with you. You will be excited by the atmosphere of support and encouragement, learning and entertainment that forms the soul of our club.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Rosebank Toastmasters!”

    1. Hi, Solulele

      We would love to host you.

      We have our next meeting coming on the 25th of October. Please feel free to email our VP: Membership for more info.

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